Interrobang Launch

On Wednesday evening an audience of around 50 was privileged to be in attendance for the launch of the 2023 edition of Interrobang, our James Hargest publication of student writing and artwork.

Throughout the evening we were treated to students reading their work aloud or sharing their design process, from Claire Best discussing the ways in which she chose to portray relationships and the way they can change over time, to Hazel Gray discussing how she chose to represent climate issues and why, from Jess Pollard’s reading of her ‘Memoirs of a Beast’ to Ruby Hickey’s ‘Reflection’.

Pauline Smith, the author of Dawn Raids, was our guest speaker who had us all thinking deeply about the role of art sharing three statements by Johnny Penisula – Art is:
Who we are
Where we are
What we are
She then related these comments to the images and written works she had enjoyed and respected within the magazine.

Congratulations to all contributors whose work was selected for inclusion and well done to the Interrobang team of Mr James, Alice McIntosh, Charlotte Dassen, Sophie Kelsall, Megan Sullivan and Rachel Eckhold for the fruition of a magazine that celebrates creativity within our school.

Enrolments are now open for 2025

Enrolments close 26 August 2024

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