Introducing our Head Students

Ruby Bath
Ruby’s interests include cycling, debating and music. She has two brothers, James and Sean and her favourite subjects are English and Economics. Ruby’s advice for students this year is to “say yes and take every opportunity. Doing this will help you meet like-minded people and discover what you enjoy (or don’t enjoy) doing and find your place within the school whilst making some new friendships.”

Neve Waddel
Neve enjoys being involved in sporting endeavours as well as productions and plays. Her advice is to grab this year strongly and involve yourself in all aspects of school life. “Push yourself out of your comfort zone as this is where you’ll meet some awesome new friends and learn something fresh. For example I took Spanish in Year 9 with no previous experience. Found out I loved it! This year I am going on a school exchange trip to Spain!”

Sean Bath
Sean’s interests include basketball, painting and piano. He wants to encourage every one to be courageous and outgoing. “High school can be a challenging and exciting time, but it’s also a time to take risks, step outside of your comfort zone and try new things. Whether it’s joining a new club or making some new friends, being courageous and outgoing will help you make the most of your high school experience. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself; take the time to have fun and make memories with your friends.”

Ryder Mikkelsen
Ryder loves to get out and do things, whether that is getting wet in the surf, going tramping or playing sport. He also loves being involved in kapa haka, which is one of his favourite things at JHC. His advice is to be prepared – he told the Year 9 assembly this week that he learnt this lesson the hard way. He forgot his school socks to change into after first P.E. He ended up walking around in his uniform – minus socks. He was embarrassed by this sockless experience for the rest of the day but it did teach him an important lesson. “Be prepared and organised. Whether that’s studying for that test in advance, setting out your time so you get enough sleep, or making sure you bring your socks to school, make sure you take the time to organise what you are up to and prepare for each day in advance.”

Enrolments are now open for 2025

Enrolments close 26 August 2024

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