Japanese NZAJLT Southland Year 7-10 Trivia Quiz 2021

On the evening of June 11th, the annual NZAJLT Japanese Year 7-10 Trivia Quiz was held at 8 venues throughout the country.  Congratulations to ‘The Sushi Rolls’ team,  Haylee Donald, Hannah Dick, Ava Barker and Katrine Mae Anqui, from Room 1 at the Junior Campus who were awarded the three main prizes. As a young Year 7 team, they not only won the Year 7/8 section, but impressively they also won the overall first place in Southland. They were awarded the prize for the best costume too. Great effort girls! Omedeto gozaimashita! (Congratulations!)

Enrolments are now open for 2025

Enrolments close 26 August 2024

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