Polyfest 2023

Ka mau te wehi Hēmi Hākena Teina rōpū who had 100 students on stage on Tuesday afternoon for Polyfest 2023. Ngā mihi nui Whaea Chloe, Whaea Steph and Mrs Saunders for all of your mahi and support. They were honoured with a moving haka tautoko from some of their Senior Campus tuakana and the whole Junior Campus.

Hēmi Hākena Tuakana Rōpū were the final performance for Polyfest 2023.
They were simply stunning. Their waiata were moving and poignant and their Haka was fierce. What an awesome week.
Tu meke Matua Neitana and Matua Terence. Your mahi has been inspiring for all. Ka mau te wehi to all rangatahi and whānau involved. It takes a village!

Enrolments are now open for 2025

Enrolments close 26 August 2024

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