Southland Secondary School Softball Tournament

The day started with a game against SBHS. It was a great team effort to come back from 13-4 down. Big hits from Shaun Hopper and Carter Dougherty and a massive team effort put us ahead. Tight work in the field and unconventional pitching from Jamie Whittington kept SBHS scoreless in the last innings and gave us the win 14-13.
A home run from Shaun in the 1st innings and Jamie in the 3rd kept us in the game against SGHS A. Southland Girls’ ultimately took the game 18-13. This put us in to the 3rd/4th play off against Verdon.

Home runs from Carter, Shaun, Jamie,

Dinodh Perera and tight pitching from Nikiah Rouse led to a convincing 16-3 win over Verdon to take 3rd place.
Special mention should go to our four pitchers on the day – Carter, Shaun, Jamie and Nikiah. None of these players pitch in their club games and it was impressive to see them take on that challenge today.

Thanks to Mr Carstenson and Leigh Wallace for their coaching

Enrolments are now open for 2025

Enrolments close 26 August 2024

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