Te Kapa Haka o Hēmi Hākena

Tēnā rā koutou katoa, e te whānau o Hēmi Hākena.
He mihi nui ki ngā whānau i tae ā tinana mai ki te hui whakanui o ngā Ahurea nō Murihiku (Polyfest 2022). The whānau class would like to acknowledge everyone for supporting our Kapa haka (Hēmi Hakena) performance at this year’s Murihiku Polyfest. A large number of our whānau class is also in our kapa haka group which is fantastic Ka mau kē te wehi e te whānau, our kapa students should be very proud of what they achieved in such a small amount of time, whaia, whaia te iti kahurangi, ko te mana wahine, ko te mana tāne, eke eke eke panuku, eke eke eke tangaroa l, ko Hēmi Hākena ki runga. Big thank you to all of our kaihaka and our team behind the scenes doing all the preparation, notices, organisation, kākahu and tāmoko. Me mihi ka tika hoki to the tautoko team, mihi mutunga kore ki a koutou katoa, Whaea Jacinta, Whaea Caroline, Whaea Anita, Whaea Ange, Whaea Janelle, Whaea Hannah and Matua Neitana.
It was also amazing to see the support of our James Hargest students and teachers in the audience during their haka tautoko. We are now getting excited and ready for the Hautonga regional competition next year 2023. Haere mai tētahi āhua, bring it on!
Matua Terence O’Brien

Enrolments are now open for 2025

Enrolments close 26 August 2024

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